Forbes published a really great article recently titled "6 Ways To Cultivate A Workplace Culture That Inspires Diversity And Inclusion." It really hits the nail on the head, especially when it comes to inclusion. As a double minority (black woman), there have been times when I felt uncomfortable at my own place of employment. Yes, I am happy with my job and I understood that by being there, I was making the company more diverse, but diversity is nothing without inclusion. Luckily, I'm now in a position with my current company to help shape our culture.
This Forbes article simplifies the monumental task of shifting company culture. To summarize it, I've listed the "6 Ways" below, but I strongly suggest you read the full article here to go in depth with real-world strategies to make sure your workplace is diverse AND inclusive.
Drive Change Through Education
Foster a Supportive and Safe Space
Practice Collective Accountability
Review the Application and Selection Process
Celebrate Employee Differences
Be Honest About Goals, Progress and Shortcoming